Moonstone and Aquamarine Earrings


Elegant moonstone and denim aquamarine drop earrings that make a timeless statement no matter the occasion.

Details and Dimensions:

• 4.43 carats moonstone (7 X 9 mm)
• 23.04 carats denim aquamarine beads
• .14 carats faceted aquamarine
• 22k yellow gold with 18k yellow gold french hooks

Moonstone is extra mesmerizing, paired with two surprisingly sultry aquamarine cabochon beads. This alluring “denim” hue is as enchanting as teal sapphires or indicolite tourmaline.

For more information about alluring aquamarine, including care instructions and a jewelry shopping guide, read The Skinny on Aquamarine!

About The Designers

Elizabeth and Jack of Zaffiro Jewelry choose their jewelry “ingredients” based on their personalities… “some gemstones just speak to us”.

These moonstone drop earrings from their Classic Collection illustrate Elizabeth and Jack’s mastery of an ancient technique, called “granulation”. It is the application of miniature spheres of precious metals in jewelry practiced 4,000 years ago in and around Italy and Greece!

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Aquamarine first appears in Greek historical record (in lapidary form, no less) around 480 – 300 B.C. Then, it was referenced as “sea-green beryl”. Think of it as emerald’s blue cousin!

Many ancient cultures believed it would ensure safe and successful travels to sailors - and protect from seasickness and sea monsters. Aquamarine was the sacred jewel of Poseidon (Greek) and Neptune (Roman), whose origin was from the treasure chests of mermaids.

To Egyptians and Sumerians, it symbolized happiness and eternal youth. During the Middle Ages, it was used for divination and very much in vogue as the most potent material for crystal balls.

Whatever they may symbolize for you today, we’ve outlined points to help you understand value and what to ask to make an informed decision on the aquamarine you will LOVE!

Get The Skinny on Aquamarine!

Aquamarine Statement Necklace
Aquamarine Pendant
Aquamarine Statement Ring
Aquamarine and Gold Ring