Tsavorite Garnet Ring


Garnets are incredibly charismatic and can occur in EVERY color of the rainbow. Tsavorite garnets are rare treasures whose green crystals can rival the intense green hues of emeralds.

The extra special garnets are named for the late Campbell Bridges, who was a geologist and champion of animal and environmental conservation.

Details and Dimensions of this Tsavorite Garnet and Diamond Sundial Ring:

• Bridges Tsavorite garnets
• FG-VS Canadian diamonds
• 18k recycled yellow gold

For everything you need to know when shopping for responsibly sourced garnet jewelry, read The Skinny on Garnet!

About The Designer

Cate of Thesis Gems is not only a jewelry designer, but she is also a practicing pediatrician. Her work is hand-forged using jewelry ingredients that are responsibly and ethically sourced, meaning this piece supports people, their skills, and natural resources - be it land or sea!

NOTE: depending on availability, this piece may be made-to-order.

Contact melissa@allthebrilliants.com for more details about this coveted Tsavorite Garnet Ring.

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The word Garnet originates from the Latin word ‘granum’ meaning seedlike - referencing both the round shape of the crystal and the rich, red hue of pomegranate seeds.

Garnet has been significant across cultures for thousands of years. According to legend, Noah illuminated his arc with a glowing garnet through 40 dark days and nights of rain. To ancient Greeks, it symbolized eternity, represented separated love and encouraged a quick return. It adorned Egyptian pharaohs (in life and death) and was placed next to wounds to expedite healing.

Whatever they may symbolize for you today, we've outlined points to help you understand value and what to ask to make an informed decision on the garnet you will LOVE!

Get The Skinny on Garnet!

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