Spessartine Garnet Pendant Necklace


A super saturated tenda cut spessartine garnet on a lovely pendant necklace that gives off brilliant sparkle. A tenda cut is a flat facet that has been intentionally placed on this orange garnet stone.

Visually and literally this is where the magic is! “Tenda” is a Swahili verb, which means "to do good" - and that is exactly what Debra Navarro’s jewels do! The designer hand selects her special jewelry “ingredients” from artisanal miners in East Africa.

Best of all, 5% of proceeds benefits Gem Legacy. This 501(c)3 supports education, vocational training, and local economies in East African mining communities - helping them thrive. This includes women entrepreneurs who own and operate mines!

Details and dimensions:

• 3.08 carat spessartine garnet
• 0.04 carat natural colored diamonds
• 18k recycled yellow gold

For more information about garnet gemstones, read The Skinny on Garnet!

About The Designer

Debra’s designs are inspired by rich color pops set off by this earthy landscape. Her Watu collection is about the people who have touched her life and each style is named in honor of one of them. This necklace, named the Christopher necklace, is no different, and is inspired by someone special to Debra.

Need additional information about this garnet pendant necklace? Contact melissa@allthebrilliants.com to schedule a chat!

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Meet Debra, her garnet jewelry, and the WOMEN and men who mine her responsibly sourced gemstones from East Africa!

Are Garnets Rare

Gem Legacy is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that works with artisanal miners in East African mining communities, some of which are owned and operated by women! Founded by Roger, Ginger, and Rachel Dery, Gem Legacy provides vocational training, mining equipment, and supports local entrepreneurship in Kenya and beyond.