Colored Sapphire Eternity Band


Say YES to a colorful eternity… stackable sapphire eternity bands!

These rings demonstrate the color diversity sapphires can be: purple sapphires with blue and green hues, purple and pink sapphires, and yellow and orange sapphires.

Gemstone eternity band details and dimensions:

• 0.60 carat colored sapphires
• 18k yellow, white or rose gold

NOTE: Rings may not be in stock in your size. The current size is 5.5 and may take 5 - 6 weeks to produce in your size. Good things come to those who wait! Fancy a colored gemstone band in one hue? This is possible too!

For everything you need to know to take care of luxury sapphire jewelry, get The Skinny on Sapphire!

About The Designer:

Kristin’s aesthetic is beautifully feminine and she shares her deep knowledge of classical European goldsmith techniques and creative philosophies with other women who are emerging designers. Cheers to women supporting women!

Further questions about a sapphire stacking ring or sapphire eternity wedding bands? Contact to schedule a chat about gemstone wedding bands you will love!

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From our ancient ancestors, to royalty, to clergy, the consensus throughout time is that sapphires are “divine”.

Ancient Persians believed the earth rested upon a giant sapphire, whose color is reflected in the sky. To the nobility across multiple cultures, they symbolized peace, virtue, wisdom and holiness.

Whatever they may symbolize for you today, we’ve outlined points to help you understand value and what to ask to make an informed decision on the sapphire you will LOVE!

Get The Skinny on Sapphire!

Pink Tourmaline Ring
Baguette Diamond Eternity Band
Black Diamond Cocktail Ring